Prescription Refills

In the event that you need a medication refill, please contact the pharmacy directly or call our office and leave a message for the clinical staff including your name, date of birth, as well as the name of the medication.

Please allow for at least 3 days before your medication runs out, or 14 days for mail-order prescriptions.

Note that a clinical staff member will return your call within 1 business day.

Depending on the situation, you may be required to come in to the office for a scheduled appointment, at which time your provider will give you a prescription for the requested refill if deemed appropriate.

If your prescription refill request is authorized without a scheduled appointment, a clinical staff member will contact you and advise you when the prescription will be ready for pick up in the office, or it can be called in to your pharmacy.

Please be sure to bring your photo ID with you to the office when you come to pick up your prescription.